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Our Mission

At Equi Evolution, our mission is to improve mental, physical, and emotional wellness for both humans and horses by fostering meaningful interaction, while preserving the authenticity of human and equine experiences.


What is Equine-Inspired Learning & Wellness?

Horses and humans have a history dating back thousands of years. They have been our faithful partners in global expansion, agriculture, and industrialization. Today, we understand on a deeper level, the magic that continues to draw us to these incredible animals, and at Equi Evolution we have built a space for you to experience that magic first-hand.


While many equine programs still adopt the mindset of dominance over horses, believing they are something we should strive to control, we take an opposite approach, recognizing the value of honoring each individual's & human. 


It is impossible to capture with words the full essence of an authentic experience with horses. These 1000 lb prey animals, constantly mindful and in tune with their environment, are simultaneously grounded and on alert. They have an incredible ability to move almost effortlessly through nervous system states, releasing emotional baggage immediately through regulation behaviors (rather than holding onto it for eternity like us humans love to do).

As herd animals, social relationships are important to them. Like us, their different backgrounds and experiences shape their personalities, creating similar scenarios of inter-personal (or should I say inter-equine) interactions. Watching horse herds move through dynamic relationships, demonstrating things like connection, communication, compassion, frustration, and conflict resolution, offers unique insight and perspective into our relationships and how we show up in our own lives.

There is NO RIDING in our programs and working with these animals almost completely at liberty, allowing them to move freely throughout the space, pushes us to be mindful as we enter a world that is theirs. Bringing awareness to our bodies, our energies, and our communication helps us improve the mind-body relationship and promotes nervous system healing. 


How it Helps

  • Build confidence and find your voice

  • Learn how to set and hold boundaries

  • Understand the value of emotional regulation

  • Experience the power of coregulation with a 1000 lb. animal 

  • Deepen your perspective & improve Emotional Intelligence

  • Explore the benefits of somatic movement

  • Learn how to create space within to respond vs. react

  • Become more intentional in your actions 

  • Connect more deeply in your relationships

  • Practice setting boundaries in a strong & healthy way

  • Find self love and empowerment

  • Explore something new and fun

  • Enhance your understanding of growth mindset

  • Find inspiration to build a life you love

Get off my back...

One of the biggest surprises, and initial turn-offs, about the Equi Evolution programs is that all of our work is unmounted. That's right—no riding involved.

But then, what do we do if we’re not riding? What’s the point? Isn’t that what horses are for?

We get it, and we hear these questions a lot. But there’s so much more to a horse than what they can do when we’re on their backs. Working with horses on the ground gives us the opportunity to experience a whole new level of connection, insight, and value—beyond our conventionally programmed ideas.


Horses are herd animals, which means that, like us, their social relationships play a huge role in their well-being. Just as our human connections are influenced by history, environment, personality, and even age, horses’ relationships are dynamic and deeply affected by similar factors. When we interact with horses on the ground, we take up a unique space in the herd. We learn about each horse on a personal level, and can quickly see how our own energy and behavior impact the ways in which they respond to us. These moments create powerful opportunities for reflection. Why do we feel drawn to certain horses? How does our energy shape these connections? And what can these interactions teach us about our own lives?


As herd animals, coregulation is a crucial part of the horse's experience. By syncing up energetically and physically, they find safety and connection. When we spend time with horses, we discover that we too, can release tension through mindful movement, deep breaths, and a shared sense of presence. By bringing these regulation techniques into our own lives, we’re better equipped to handle stress, tune into ourselves, and cultivate a healthier mind & body.

Being prey animals, horses are finely tuned to their surroundings and can shift between states of alertness and calm with remarkable ease. Simply being present in their space offers us a chance to experience this natural regulation firsthand. Through observing how horses move through nervous system states—whether they’re grazing peacefully or suddenly alert to a shift in the environment—we’re reminded of how we, too, can ground ourselves and find balance.



In the equine world, many horses are valued based on how they can perform physically. When they can’t be ridden or paraded around in front of judges and crowds anymore, they’re often cast aside or even dumped in kill pens. At Equi Evolution, we see horses differently. Our horses come from diverse backgrounds that may not suit a traditional riding program, but that doesn’t diminish their worth. Here, we honor their inherent value just as we honor yours. Because in your lifetime, you too will experience declines in performance; whether at work, school, home, whatever...but in no way do those shifts take away from the incredible individual you are.

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